When you are looking to sell, its important to be aware of the key indicators that make a fantastic time to sell. So when is the ideal time to sell and list ? This week the property media has been hotter than spicy mexican enchilada!
1)We learnt that listing and auctioning before or during election day has not stopped record breaking numbers of buyers attending and bidding at auctions. When the sydney market is hot its hot!
2)To capitalize on the opportunity of a feverous market, shorter campaigns have been thought to turn over faster. With a fantastic response from the bidders and contract holders, shorter lead time enable you to convert the passionate bidders into committed buyers. List Now To Cash In Now!
3)Further #Interestrates downgrading is tip to follow in the last quarter of 2013/early 2014, This will result is a voracious appetite of buyers queuing to take advantage of this cheaper mortgage environment. The laws of demand and supply would mean the advantages are tips in the vendor’s favour as more buyers are on the market looking to buy. This would translate to higher bids on your property.
- Intelligent buyers and families are looking for value. They have stable jobs and wages continues to rise. They are opting to spend less on clothes and discretionary items, while choosing to upgrade due to the growth in their family size. Home buyers would see this as an opportunity because, while clients are not spending big bucks at department stores, they are saving for a bigger and newer homes. The high auction clearance has supported this view.
5)While the mining boom has been declared to have come to an end, Australia’s stable economic history would ensure Australia’s steady transition to a more design and IP (Intellectual Property) driven society. Intellectual property (whether design, technological or research based) business will present immense opportunities for core business growth, leading Australia into the next century. Australia’s strong prominence on the world ranking for university education would hold Australia in good stead in the training, education and research base business. Our stable currency, albeit a little high, would also attract a continual on flow of tertiary education business.
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6)One lucrative business that is enjoying tremendous amount of growth is the healthcare industry. Boosted by the Australian government’s strong investment in healthcare, this very necessary industry has grown through the 1990s tech wreck and more recently the #GFC. This much needed industry provides an incredible infrastructure to the #economy of Australia and citizens it hires.
With so many promising industries helping #Australia move into the next century of economic development, one can understand why we are in the golden age of property boom. #Vendors are in perfect place to take advantage of so many reasons why its a great time to sell. Similarly, buyers and home owners are more convinced than ever that interest rates have come to a very reasonable level, if you do not get in and start shopping for a #property and bidding now, you might just miss the boat on on a fantastic buying and selling environment.
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