Thursday, 3 October 2013

SYLVANIA BMW TOP RAISERS representing Century 21 Synergy raised $13,616.00 for Sydney to Gond Ride as of today!

SYLVANIA BMW TOP RAISERS representing Century 21 Synergy raised $13,616.00 for Sydney to Gond Ride as of today!

Not just a consumate professional, Century 21 Synergy owner Angelo Lofitis has a passion for community contribution. An empathetic humanitarian, learn more about Angelo's contribution to MS Society and his tips on successful fundraising.
Fundraiser Profile
Name: Angelo Lofitis
Occupation:  Director at Century 21 Synergy - Dulwich
Number of Members in Team: Approximately 40 members
Years participated2009 - Present
Current fundraising total: 80000 over the last five years
Why do you support MS Australia?
I support MS Australia because my love one is affected by MS.
How are you going about reaching your fundraising goal?
For every property my company sells between now and November 2013,  we are going to donate 5% of the sale commissions to raise money for TOP RAISERS to compete at the Sydney to Gong bike ride. We are also working on some exclusive events coming up to raise funds for the Top Raisers. We raise money through the support of family, friends and work network. We also have an array of corporate sponsors like returning sponsors, Silvania BMW, Location Shots Photography and Mortgage Choice Sutherland. This year we are thrilled to have enlisted the support of  fantastic news sponsors like Rothsay Accounting and Waterbrothers Plumbing and AME Civil Excavations.
How easy and rewarding are you finding fundraising?
Fundraising is not easy but its definitely rewarding because there is a great sense of accomplishments with the knowledge that my contributions help make a difference to people living with MS.
Do you have any tips for other fundraisers?
Be passionate: The nature of fundraising stems from genuine passion for the cause and with passion and authenticity, I often find people are willing to help. Don’t be afraid to ask for the donation and support. When you explain the importance of the cause and the enthusiasm you show will often rally the contribution of those around you.
Events that empower: Fundraising events also have to be fun. When you organize an event that is highly professional, structured and with it comes a wonderful experience, not only are you nurturing the cause by raising money but you are also providing your donors with a positive and empowering experience through their participation.
Get Organize: When you are organizing a fund raising event, you need to pool all your resources. You need to tap your immediate network at home, family, work colleagues, professional and social circles. Compile a list (excel spreadsheet of all their contacts), utilize modern communication modes (Social Media) to remind them of the event and invite them numerous times to solidify their commitments.
Some methods of communications may include
Facebook, google calendar, create a Facebook event, invite them through twitter, email invites, printed invites (post and hand it in person), create a video, telephone them, face to face reminder, sms reminders. 
Stay motivated: When confronted with stagnation in your fundraising activities - Don’t be so hard on yourself. In the modern world, many of us have to split ourselves and our times to dedicate to many responsibilities. These may include our families, friends, our career or our loyalties to our extra-curriculum. 
When you are feeling exhausted and a little demotivated. Take a break. After some rest, remind yourself why you are raising money for this cause. For whom are you doing this for? What motivated you to get involve in the first instance? What would be the outcome of your contribution? How would it influence the lives of others and the ones you love? Whether practical or symbolic, we come to support the cause of our hearts because, the cause concerned has touched our hearts. It is important to remind ourselves from time to time why we do what we do.
Be Persistent: Persistence greatly increase the success of raising your target funds. Uncover the courage in you and forge ahead and ask. Donations and fund raising requires you to ask. When you ask you shall receive. It a good cause. Be Persistent, be consistent.
How did you go about organising a team?
My team at Century 21 Synergy helps me put the events together.
I started with convincing friends and family to participate, then as a natural extension, I would invite colleagues at work and my external networks to contribute. I encourage passionate people within my team to encourage their extended networks to contribute and participate.
How did you enjoy the Gong Ride in 2012?
The gong ride is one of the best days of the year, because the ride itself is an exhilarating experience. We had a beautiful day and I had a fantastic time training up to the ride day. I found the whole event a great motivator to get fit prior. It was a great way to socialize with friends and family. I also made many new friends and extended my business network. 
What are you looking forward to for 2013?
Every year I experience a huge sense of accomplishment. Whether the fund raising aspects or the Ride to the gong event.While raising money has also been challenging, I really enjoy the process and I look forward to meeting new friends and catching up with my fellow MS supporters and friends.

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